
Multi Disciplinary Research Unit

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Multi-Disciplinary Research Unit

About MRU

  • MRU got permission and sanctioned in 2013-2014 and inaugurated by Health Minister in December 2015.
  • SV Medical College constituted MRU Local Research advisory committee (LRAC) and technical advisory committee in 2016.
  • MRU conducted Ten Research Advisory Committee (RAC) meetings till date (23-02-2016, 24-01-2017, 28-12-217, 28-12-2018, 13-02-2020, 26-03-2021, 21-02-2022, 27-07-2022, 25-07-2023 and 27-07-2024).
  • 18 departments of SV medical college involved in research at MRU.
  • 53 research projects approved by LRAC, out of this 40 project has been allotted budget maximum of 2/- lacks each project.
  • 24 projects are completed, 16 papers published in various reputed journals with over all 18.2 impact factor, four papers are communicated and the remaining 19 projects are running successfully.
  • Established COVID-19 lab in April 2020. Covid test done from April 2020 to till date is 6,86,037, Positive is 64,047.
  • MRU Conducted 6 National Workshops - 180 Researchers and faculty were trained.
  • 54 Equipments purchased with 5 tenders.
  • 500 UG (MBBS) trained for Research Methodology, 20 Research projects developed.
  • PG Research Methodology classes initiated in 2022, 60 PG students utilized MRU till date.
  • 30 PG dissertation works completed and 5 dissertation works are under pipeline.
  • MRU completed the Costing of Healthcare in different states of India (HTAiI) DHR; project (Ayushman Bharath) 2018-2023 (Multi centric Project).


  • MRU giving technical support to STEMI project (ICMR) to the Dept of Medicine, SVRRGGH.
  • MRU submitting the audited Utilization Certificate (UC), Statement of Expenditure (SOE) progress report every year and submitting quarterly report to DHR, GOI
  • Conducting Swachhata Campaign regularly as per DHR, GOI guidelines.
  • MRU Initiated Internship programs to BSc, MSc, PhD, MDS, and MBBS Research Studies.
  • MRU published One Book.
  • MRU developed four new technologies for introduction into public health system.
  • Three projects lead to a policy or clinical practice change.
  • MRU trained 800 +  faculty/participants till date
  • MRU, visited by, Mrs.Sarita Mittal, Additional Secretary, DHR,GOI, New Delhi and Dr.V.P.Singh, Scientist-E, ICMR-DHR in 2019.
  • Dr.Kiran Katoach, Distinguished Scientist-ICMR, attended the fourth RAC meeting.
  • MRU, visited by, Smt.Mrs.Poonam malakondiah, Principle Secretary of Health and family welfare,Govt of Andhrapradesh 2020.

Available equipment

Equipment List

Equipment List

S.No. Equipment Name & Detail Maker
1 Autoclave Green apple
2 High Pressure Liquid Chromatography Refinement
3 Hot air Oven Navayug
4 Incubator Navayug
5 Microscope (Binocular-light) Labovision
6 Microscope (inverted) Labovision
7 Table top non refrigerated centrifuge Eppendorff
8 Table top refrigerated centrifuge Remi
9 (-20 degree) freezer Labtop
10 Auto analyzer Biosystems
11 5 part analyzer Beckman
12 Ultra centrifuge Beckman
13 Ordinary freezer Samsung
14 Minicold lab REMI
15 Spectrophotometer (Nano drop) Eppendorff
16 Microfuge (refrigerated) Eppendorff
17 Shaker incubator New Brunswick scientific
18 (-70 degree) freezer New Brunswick scientific
19 Thermal cycler Eppendorff
20 Bio-safety cabinet Technico
20 Water bath Technico
21 Infantometer* Sisco
22 Ordinary Centrifuge REMI
23 Gel doc Eppendorff
24 Hybridization system Biorad
25 Electrophoresis (Horizontal, vertical, western) Biorad
26 Gel dryer Major science
27 RT PCR Agilent
28 pH meter  
29 Electronic weighing balance Schimadzu
30 Micro pipettes Thermo fisher
31 Multi-channel micropipettes (variable) autoclave Thermo fisher
32 CO2 cylinder & regulator New Brunswick scientific
34 Fluorescent microscope with software Olympus
35 UV Trans Illuminator Major Science
36 Tissue homogenizer Bertin
38 Human Telemetry Data Acquisition system* Bio-harness
39 Calorimeter ELICO
40 Vortex mixers REMI
41 Magnetic stirrer REMI
42 Weight machine* Sisco
43 Height rod Stedio meter* Sisco
44 Dispenser* Borosil
45 BP Apparatus* Diamond
46 Stethoscope  
47 Tissue processor Leica

Projects (Completed and On going )

Faculty Projects

Total Projects Accepted: 43+3
Completed: 23                                                                   Ongoing: 20

Sl No Name of the Project Remarks
1 Association of sympathovagal imbalance with endothelial function, telomerase activity, oxidative stress, atherogenic index, myocardial oxygen consumption, and body composition in prehypertension. Completed
2 Physiological, psychological, and clinical assessment of geriatrics in Chittoor district. Completed
3 Effective neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in SVRRGGH General Hospital: A retrospective cohort study. Completed
4 Evaluation of clinico-demographic profile, iodized salt usage, iodine status & thyroid profile in thyroid disorders of Tirupati urban population. Completed
5 Study of cord blood lipid profile in preterm, late preterm, term neonates and early intervention of lifestyle modification. Completed
6 Amelioration of distress and anxiety among mothers during newborn stay in NICU: An interventional study. Completed
7 Study of biochemical abnormalities and their outcome in neonatal seizures with special reference to serum calcium and magnesium levels. Completed
8 Association of cord blood albumin levels and serum bilirubin levels in newborns. Completed
9 Estimation of serum levels of minerals in age-related macular degeneration. Completed
10 Evaluation of cardiac autonomic function, serum soluble ST2 receptor, and B-type natriuretic peptides in thyroid disorders. Completed
11 mRNA expression and heart rate variability in first-degree relatives of patients with type 2 diabetes. Completed
12 The effect of yoga therapy on telomerase activity, endothelial function, oxidative stress, lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 activity, oxidized LDL, and sympathovagal balance in prehypertension. Completed
13 A study on screening for osteopenia in middle-aged women and strategies for improving bone mineral density to prevent osteoporotic fractures in old age. Ongoing
14 Quantification of biomarkers in childhood age groups in public schools and private schools and their impact on growth and knowledge in drought areas of Andhra Pradesh. Submitted to DHR for funding
15 Assessment of non-sputum biomarkers: Early diagnostics in tuberculosis. Submitted to ICMR for funding
16 Association of vitamin deficiency with metabolic encephalopathy in infants. PI Transferred
17 The effect of yoga therapy on mitochondrial uncoupling properties, ACE gene polymorphism, endothelial function, and its correlation with cardiac function, functional capacity, and myocardial stress in heart failure patients. Completed
18 Cardiac autonomic modulation in schizophrenia and mood disorders. Ongoing
19 Study of chromosomal anomalies in neonates with major congenital abnormalities. Completed
20 A study on serum levels of thiamine in patients with alcohol dependence syndrome. Completed
21 Hormonal assay in postnatal women with psychiatric morbidity: A study in a primary health center. Completed
22 Targeting metastasis-associated protein (MTA1) modulated histone modifications in triple-negative breast cancers (TNBCs). Completed
23 Estimation of age and vitality of tissues in and around abuse lesions by studying inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and IL-1β proteins. Ongoing
24 Urine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin as an early predictor of acute kidney injury in asphyxiated neonates. Ongoing
25 Correlation of serum ferritin levels with hepatic MRI T2 for iron deposition. Completed
26 Establish reference ranges of biochemical parameters in saliva. Ongoing
27 Estimation of MTA1 in serum of cancer patients. Completed
28 Impact of micronutrient levels on behavior and cognitive performance of normal pre-school children and children with ADHD. Ongoing
29 IgG seroprevalence in healthcare workers of tertiary care COVID-19 hospitals, Tirupati. Completed
30 Post-vaccination IgG serosurveillance of COVID-19 in healthcare personnel at a tertiary care medical institute (Chittoor district) from South India. Completed
31 The study of correlation between serum zinc and CRP levels in COVID-19 positive patients. Completed
32 Study of correlation of serum calcium and magnesium with CRP in COVID-19. Completed
33 Aqueous VEGF and IL-6 levels in type 2 diabetes. Ongoing
34 Evaluation of Protein S, Protein C, and homocysteine levels in patients with retinal vein occlusion. Ongoing
35 The effect of infant oil massage on serum bilirubin levels in term neonates undergoing phototherapy in SVRRGGH, Tirupati. Completed
36 A study of block characteristics with nerve stimulation or guided regional blocks in trauma patients posted for surgery. Ongoing
37 Estimation of pro-inflammatory markers in tears in patients with keratoconus compared with normal subjects. Ongoing
38 A prospective interventional pilot study on the efficacy of a multigrain and multi-millet mix (MGMM) in reducing HbA1C levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Ongoing
39 A study on the impact of phthalates exposure on PCOS in the Tirupati region. Ongoing
40 A functional nutrition intervention to mitigate pre and perinatal complications of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Ongoing
41 A study on the diagnostic utility of whole exome sequencing for pediatric genetic disorders. Ongoing
42 Evaluation of the prognostic role of NLR and inflammatory biomarkers in carcinoma of the breast. Ongoing
43 Obesity and type-2 diabetes-associated gene expression in neonates in comparison with obese and non-obese mothers. Ongoing
44 Screening for prediabetes among adolescents in urban areas of Tirupati. Ongoing
45 Biomarkers for early detection of kidney injury among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Ongoing
46 Design and development of therapeutic chocolate bars to abate micro and macronutrient deficiencies in children under 5 years old with protein-energy malnutrition (PEM). Ongoing

Residents Projects 


Research Projects

Research Projects

S.NO Name Title Remarks
1 Dr. Sujatha Evaluation of Cd56 Marker In Differentiating Follicular Variant Of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma From Follicular Neoplasms. Completed
2 Dr. Divya Teja A Study of association between expression of vimentin and other prognostic markers in Invasive breast carcinoma: A cross sectional study Completed
3 Dr. Ranjani Immunohistochemical study of p16INK4A expression in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer. Completed
4 Dr. Murali Krishna Yadav Study of Biochemical abnormalities and its outcome in neonatal Seizures with special reference to serum calcium and magnesium levels. Completed
5 Dr. Anusha Study of association of vitamin-D deficiency in children of age one month to 5 years with acute lower respiratory tract infection admitted in tertiary care hospital. Completed
6 Dr. Abhiram Kumar Association of Cord Blood albumin levels and serum Bilurubin levels in the newborns. Completed
7 Dr. Rajitha Role of Connexin43 gene expression in early pregnancy loss. Completed
8 Dr. Shilpa Linus A study on relationship between vascular complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus with serum magnesium levels. Completed
9 Dr. K. Hemapriya A study on estimation of ADMA levels in Ischaemic stroke patients admitted to Tertiary care hospital Tirupati. Completed
10 Dr. Sanjo K Jhon Prognostic value of serum albumin and C-reactive protein in elderly patients in determining morbidity and mortality in a tertiary care centre. Completed
11 Dr. P. Sriharshitha A correlative study of serum fibrinogen BMI and Lipid profile in type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypertension. Completed
12 Dr. T. Sameeksha Correlation of serum ferritin levels with severity and prognosis of acute stroke Completed
13 Dr. Himaja Role of Vitamin D in pre-hypertension and its association with cellular senescence Completed
14 Dr. P. Sowmya Study of serum uricacid levels and its association with childpugh score in chronic liver disease Ongoing
15 Dr. M. Asha Latha A study on correlation between serum prolactin and child pugh score in cirrhosis of liver Ongoing
16 Dr. Tushara Relationship between serum zinc levels and microvascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Ongoing
17 Dr. D. Hruday Raj Role of vitamin D in Epilepsy Ongoing
18 Dr. Deepak A study on estimation of Cystatin C and Beta2microglobulin in establishing renal dysfunction in diabetic patients Completed
19 Dr. P. Mohan Priya Impact of academic stress on salivary cortisol in Medical students Ongoing
20 Dr. K. Siva Tulasi Association of IL-25 in Chronic rhinocynucitic with nasal polyp. Ongoing
21 Dr. R. M. Harun A study on serum magnesium in patients admitted in critical care unit of a tertiary care centre Ongoing
22 Dr. Tulasiram A study of estimation of serum zinc levels and its role in assessing severity of hepatic encephalopathy in DCLD patients admitted to tertiary care hospital Tirupati Completed
23 Dr. Sri Pushpavani Diagnostic utility of HBa1c in diagnostic retinopathy Completed

Undergraduate Student Projects

S.NO Student Investigator Title of the Project Remarks
1 Madhusree Pulicallu Assessment of knowledge and awareness about post-menopausal Osteoporosis in young adult women. Completed
2 Harish Mannuru Study of Poisoning cases treated in SVRRGG hospital and their outcome. Completed
3 Tulasi Krishna Assessment of risk factors of Neonatal Jaundice among Neonates admitted in SNCU of SVRRGGH and Government Maternity Hospital, Tirupati. Completed
4 K. Supriya Hemoglobin and ECG role in Depression Completed
5 S. Adithya Varma Retrospective Study Of Causes and Prevalence Of Falls in the elderly admitted in Orthopaedic departments of S.V.R.R.G.G.H and B.I.R.D. HOSPITALS, Tirupati in the year 2016 (data Collection Completed) Completed
6 Pardhiv Srinivas Estimation of Ig-G antibodies against spike S antigen in vaccinated individuals after 6 months of COVID-19 vaccination in Health care workers Ongoing


S.No Name of the Employee Designation
1 Dr. A.S. Kireeti Nodal Officer
2 Dr. P. Madhusudhana Scientist – B
3 Dr. Mandla Rekha Scientist – B
4 B. Dhanamma Lab Technician
5 G. Lokanadha Lab Technician
6 G. Chanukya DEO