Click here for Final merit list , for appointment Lab Technicians Grade II of S.V. M .C , Tirupati , S.V.R.R.GGH, Tirupati, Government Maternity Hospital, Tirupathi , Sri Padmavathamma Govt.College of Nursing & Government School of Nursing Tirupati on Contract/Out sourcing basis only . Click here for Final merit list , for appointment data manager in Health Institutions of S.V. M .C , Tirupati , S.V.R.R.GGH, Tirupati, Government Maternity Hospital, Tirupathi , Sri Padmavathamma Govt.College of Nursing & Government School of Nursing Tirupati on Contract/Out sourcing basis only . Click here for Revised Combined Notification -1Notification no. 1 /2024-25, for appointment to various posts in Health Institutions of S.V. M .C , Tirupati , S.V.R.R.GGH, Tirupati, Government Maternity Hospital, Tirupathi , Sri Padmavathamma Govt.College of Nursing & Government School of Nursing Tirupati on Contract/Out sourcing basis only . Click here for Privisional merit list of Data Manager posts under AMR Surveillance in S V Medical College, Tirupati. Click here for Privisional merit list of Lab-Tech Gr.II under AMR Surveillance in S V Medical College, Tirupati. Click here for recruitment to Lab-Tech Gr.II and Data Manager posts under AMR Surveillance in S V Medical College, Tirupati. Click here for official whats app channel of S V Medical College, Tirupati. Click here for 2nd counselling merit list of paramedical course DANS at S V Medical College, Tirupati for the academic year 2024-25. Click here for 2nd counselling merit list of paramedical course DMLT at S V Medical College, Tirupati for the academic year 2024-25.nk" style="color:#fff;"> Click here for SR recruitment notification at SV Medical College, Tirupati. Click here for information regarding second counselling for various paramedical course admissions 2023-24 at S V Medical College, Tirupati ,dated 02-09-2023. Click here for information about PG (Medical) admissions 2023-24 at S V Medical College, Tirupati ,dated 09-08-2023. Click here for provisional merit list of SR recruitment at S V Medical College, Tirupati . 2023 dated 09-08-2023.last date for grievances is 10-08-2023 5pm by email to principal email . Click here SR Notification at S V Medical College, Tirupati . 2023 dated 02-08-2023. please click here to visit the web page for the details of SR notifications 2023 at S V Medical College, Tirupati dated 02-08-2023. Click here for the details of 2nd counselling of various paramedical courses at S V Medical College, Tirupati . for the academic year of counsellin 11-11-2022. Please see the circulars and latest notifications section for merit lists of various courses. .... classes commences from 20-10-2022 for the postgraduates for the academic year 2022-23 . Click her for 3rd notification of various posts at SVMC, Tirupati. First MBBS classes for the Academic year 2022 are commencing from 15-03-2022. Recruitment for the posts not filled due to lack of eligible candidates as per Rule of Reservation 2nd notification at GMH Tirupati. 3rd nitification for recruitment of certain posts at GMH ,Tirupati. Final merit list of 2ND notification of Stretcher Bearer of GMH , Tirupati . Provisional merit list of specific categories notified through re notification of Lab technicians , lab attendants, office subordinates and mortuary mechanic at S V Medical college ,Tirupati. Recruitment for the posts not filled due to lack of eligible candidates as per Rule of Reservation at S V Medical College, Tirupati . < Re notification For Recruitment -2021(I) for vacant posts and newly created Paramedical and other posts through D.S.C at S V Medical college, Tirupati. Click this scroll for the for the second notification of various posts under contract basis at SVRRGGH , Tirupati . Selection list of the candidates for paramedical and other posts notified for recruitment -2021 in S.V. Medical college, Tirupati. Click here for Instructions about the fee structure of undergraduate (MBBS) admissions under the All India quota at S V Medical College, Tirupati for the academic year 2021-22. Click here for Instructions about fee structure of undergraduate (MBBS) admissions under state quota at S V Medical college, Tirupati for the academic year 2021-22. Click here for the final merit list of DEO’s, Lab technicians and Office subordinates on outsourcing/ contract basis at S V Medical College, Tirupati . Click this scroll for the for final merit list of various posts notified under contract basis at SVRRGGH , Tirupati . Click here for Instructions regarding Post graduate course admissions at S V Medical College, Tirupati for the academic year 2021-22 Click here check list regarding Post graduate course admissions at S V Medical College, Tirupati for the academic year 2021-22 . Click here for bond proforma to be executed for the Post graduate course admissions at S V Medical College, Tirupati for the academic year 2021-22. Click here for the final merit list of lab attendants on contract basis at S V Medical College, Tirupati . Click here for the final merit list of Physical director on contract basis at S V Medical College, Tirupati . Click here for the final merit list of MPHA (F) on contract basis at S V Medical College, Tirupati . Click here for the final merit list of Ayah on contract basis at S V Medical College, Tirupati . Click here for the final merit list of Mortuary assistant on contract basis at S V Medical College, Tirupati . . Click here for the final merit list of dark room assistant on contract basis at S V Medical College, Tirupati .. Click this scroll for the for the final merit list of various posts notified under contract basis at SVRRGGH, Tirupati dt 19-01-2022 . Click this scroll for the for the merit list of lab technicians on contract basis at S V Medical College ,Tirupati. Any grievances person may attend physically with relevant documents to office of S V Medical College, Tirupati on or before 04-01-2022 5PM . Click this scroll for the for the merit list of DEO (data entry Operators) on contract basis at S V Medical College ,Tirupati. Any grievances person may attend physically with relevant documents to office of S V Medical College, Tirupati on or before 04-01-2022 5PM . Click this scroll for the for the merit list of office subordinates on contract basis at S V Medical College ,Tirupati. Any grievances person may attend physically with relevant documents to office of S V Medical College, Tirupati on or before 04-01-2022 5PM . Click this scroll for the for the provisional merit list of lab attendants on contract basis at S V Medical College ,Tirupati. Any grievances person may attend physically with relevant documents to office of S V Medical College, Tirupati on or before 04-01-2022 5PM . Click this scroll for the for the provisional merit list of mortuary mechanic on contract basis at S V Medical College ,Tirupati. Any grievances person may attend physically with relevant documents to office of S V Medical College, Tirupati on or before 04-01-2022 5PM . Click this scroll for the for the provisional merit list of Physical Directors on contract basis at S V Medical College ,Tirupati. Any grievances person may attend physically with relevant documents to office of S V Medical College, Tirupati on or before 04-01-2022 5PM . Click this scroll for the for the provisional merit list of Radiographer posts on contract basis at Govt Maternity Hospital , Tirupati . Click this scroll for the for the provisional merit list of Stretcher bearer posts on contract basis at Govt Maternity Hospital , Tirupati . Click this scroll for the for the provisional merit list of OT Asst. posts on contract basis at Govt Maternity Hospital , Tirupati . Click this scroll for the for the provisional merit list of MPHA posts on contract basis at Govt Maternity Hospital , Tirupati . Click this scroll for the for the provisional merit list of Lab technician posts on contract basis at Govt Maternity Hospital , Tirupati . Click this scroll for the for the provisional merit list of Lab attender posts on contract basis at Govt Maternity Hospital , Tirupati . Click this scroll for the for the provisional merit list of FNO’s on contract basis at Govt Maternity Hospital , Tirupati . Click this scroll for the for the provisional merit list of ECG Technicians on contract basis at Govt Maternity Hospital , Tirupati . Click this scroll for the for the provisional merit list of attender posts contract basis at Govt Maternity Hospital , Tirupati . Click this scroll for the for the provisional merit list of DEO(data entry operators) contract basis at Govt Maternity Hospital , Tirupati . Click this scroll for the for the provisional merit list of dark room assistants on contract basis at S V Medical College ,Tirupati. Any grievances person may attend physically with relevant documents to office of S V Medical College, Tirupati on or before 04-01-2022 5PM . Click this scroll for the for the provisional merit list of MPHA (Female) on contract basis at S V Medical College ,Tirupati. Any grievances person may attend physically with relevant documents to office of S V Medical College, Tirupati on or before 04-01-2022 5PM . Click this scroll for the for the provisional merit list of ayah on contract basis at S V Medical College ,Tirupati. Any grievances person may attend physically with relevant documents to office of S V Medical College, Tirupati on or before 04-01-2022 5PM . Click this scroll for the for the merit list of various posts notified under contract basis at SVRRGGH , Tirupati . Click this scroll for the for the list applicants who were rejected for mismatch posts applied at S V Medical College ,Tirupati. Any grievances person may attend physically with relevant documents to office of S V Medical College, Tirupati on or before 04-01-2022 5PM . Click here for the final merit list of various posts on contract basis at SVRRGGH, Tirupati . Click here for the revised provisional merit list of various posts on contract basis at SVRRGGH, Tirupati .

Welcome To Sri Venkateswara Medical College

For centuries, the shrine of Lord Venkateswara (Balaji) at Tirumala in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh has been an important place of pilgrimage and people from all over the world come to seek the Lord's blessings. In the late 1950s, this town had meagre access to modern medical facilities. Sri Venkateswara Medical College is a medical college in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India. The college was established in the year 1960. It has 200 Undergraduate and 125 postgraduate seats.

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